AWR Questionnaire

Moneytree Payroll Services

AWR Questionnaire

Moneytree Payroll Services hereby requests the Recruitment Agency to promptly obtain in accordance with the Agency Workers Regulations 2011 (AWR) and provide the following information concerning the proposed assignment. This information is required to enable us to ensure that the individual receives correct equal treatment as if he/she had been recruited directly as required by the AWR, and thus to properly comply with our own obligations. We may disclose your replies to the Individual. Your prompt provision of full and correct answers will reduce the risks and exposure to all parties. Please complete this form in reliance on the information you provide, we undertake to use our best endeavours to comply in all respects with the AWR in relation to this assignment.



If NO, AWR should not apply, so please disregard the remainder of these questions and simply go to signature section at end. Please ensure you have sought legal advice prior to making this assessment.

If YES, please go to question 2

Question 2

If NO, please go to question 3

If YES, please go to question 4, and answer the remaining questions with reference to such comparable employee

Question 3

If NO, please go to question 7

If YES, please go to question 4, and answer the remaining questions with reference to such comparable employee

Question 4

If NO, please go to question 5

If YES, please go to question 6

Question 5

After answering, please go to question 6

Question 6

On what basis is the comparable employee paid (please answer with respect to the following)?
After answering A B C D & E, please go to question 7

Question 7

NB if End Client negotiates pay on an individual basis and there is no "going rate", please expressly state this

After answering, please go to question 8

Question 8

What are the basic working and employment conditions other than pay which would ordinarily apply, in respect of each of the following?
After answering A B C D & E, please go to question 9

If answer to question 3 was NO, please answer A B C D & E, with reference to the basic working and employment conditions prevailing generally in the Client’s workplace

Question 9

After answering, please go to question 10

Question 10

If so, please give dates worked, and reasons for gap between end of such previous work and start of this contract.
